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Smart I/O & Comm

Smart I/O & Comm. iDoor series offers the most general interface as RS-232, RS-422/485, Digital/Analog I/O, I/O Link which are widely used in industrial applications.
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Non-Isolated RS-232, DB37 x 1 (USB Type)
  1. Meets Advantech Standard iDoor Technology
  2. PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2 compliant
  3. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  4. Supports any baud rate setting (50bps~921.6kbps)
  5. Supports both Isolated & Non-Isolated Protection with 2/4 Ports RS-232/422/485
  6. I/O address automatically assigned by PCIe plug & play
  7. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, and Linux 2.4/2.6
  8. OXPCIe952/OXPCIe954 UART with 128-byte FIFOs standard
  9. Supports Embedded Automation PC UNO-2200/2300/2400 series


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Non-Isolated RS-422/485, DB37 x 1
  1. Meets Advantech Standard iDoor Technology
  2. PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2 compliant
  3. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  4. Supports any baud rate setting (50bps~921.6kbps)
  5. Supports both Isolated & Non-Isolated Protection with 2/4 Ports RS-232/422/485
  6. I/O address automatically assigned by PCIe plug & play
  7. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, and Linux 2.4/2.6
  8. OXPCIe952/OXPCIe954 UART with 128-byte FIFOs standard
  9. Supports Embedded Automation PC UNO-2200/2300/2400 series


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