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Get on the fast track with proven, field-tested white box platforms that match your exact compute, networking & storage need for NFV development.
Why compromise on your uCPE device? If you’re going virtual, choose the white box with the broadest software support in the industry.
Short-depth, NEBS-compliant servers aid CSPs looking for the best price/performance ratio with balanced compute and I/O expandability for carrier-grade network deployment.
PCI Express Network Adapter/Interface Cards give enterprise and datacenter IT access to the benefits of network offloading, preserving existing server performance.
Advantech and Versa Networks Partner to Deliver NFV-Based Hardware and Software Solution for SD-WAN and SD-Security.
A white paper on SDN and NFV network platforms based on Intel®, validation path, and leveraging an ecosystem.
Telco Systems and Advantech Partner on Open vCPE Portfolio for SMB Segment
Analysis paper by Heavy Reading of next-generation business and technology solutions for service providers and vendors.
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