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Advantech marketplace combines next generation technology to bring innovation into the restaurant, retail, and hospitality sectors. Retailers can look for different software apps to leverage analytics to deliver smarter shopping experiences, restaurant owners can utilize an unmanned waitlist system to better streamline workflow and much more.
Optimize wait times with an electronic queuing system
Improve guest waiting experience
Alert guests when tables are ready
Intuitive and easy user interface
Engage guests through multiple touch-points
Improve overall guest engagement
Easily create content on menu boards
Monitor and deploy menu changes instantly
Process payments and orders quickly and efficiently
Discover sales patterns and peak times
Keep track of inventory and popular items
Minimize errors and increase productivity
Receive real time alerts for emergency clean ups
Improve guest experience and quality perception
Create and manage efficient staff schedules
Receive customer feedback and concerns
Monitor and deploy content on multiple devices
Web-based management console
Remotely monitor content from one central location
Easily schedule content for deployment
Collect data to optimize sales strategies and daily operations
Predict store traffic in advance
Allocate the right amount of staff for efficient service
Gain insights on sales performance
Interactive Wayfinding across your digital signage displays:
Interactive landing pages, layers, buttons, and more
Improve productivity and staff communication
Edit turn-by-turn routes on-the-fly and create up-to-date pathway rules
Predict store in-store in advance
Por favor ingrese su información aquí debajo, y uno de nuestros representantes los contactara a la brevedad
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