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Wireless IoT nodes are designed to support data acquisition, power management and flexible configuration for different applications.
Wise IoT I/O modules allow connectivity to both IT applications via RESTful API in JSON format and control via the Modbus/TCP.
Reliable Mini-PCIe wireless modules are designed for industrial-grade requirements to enable 802.11 a/b/g/n connectivity.
Advantech provides the most adaptive cellular routers for any industrial-grade application.
Immersively large 3 to 40 screen digital displays enhance most customer experiences.
Control Terminals and Mobile Tablets for user-friendly MES interfaces in the IIoT-enabled production line.
Proactive Maintenance Creates New Business Model for Elevator Suppliers
Hot Runner Monitoring in Injection Molding Improves Product Quality
Using Big Data Analytics for Equipment Preventive Maintenance
Smart HVAC System for Smart Building
Advantech has a full selection of embedded processors from leading manufacturers including Intel® and AMD® to match your specific embedded application needs.
Expandable line of fanless embedded computers offers rugged construction with scalability features usually reserved for commercial systems.
Advantech offers many models of wide temperature embedded computers ideal for outdoor or harsh environments.
Data and Device Management
Built-in 15+ Real-time Monitoring Widgets
Up to 1000 Device Connections
Dashboard Editor and Viewer
Widget Library & Widget Builder
Cross browser & Device Viewing
Intelligent video management and analytics
Selectable IVA modules for various applications
Modularized SDK
*System must be configured with extended temperature peripherals to maintain the wide operating temperature system rating. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.
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