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From modular kiosks that need the extra rich IOs for design flexibility, to outdoor kiosks that operate well under the hot sun with extreme operating temperatures and sunlight readable screens, this is your one stop shop for all things kiosk. All offerings have wide operating temperatures, long product life cycles, and are all compatible with each other, so you don't have to look anywhere else if a part isn't working the way you expected it to.
Wide Operating Temperatures
Long Product Life Cycle
Validated System Compatibility
Xiaomeisha SeaWorld attracts more than one million visitors each year and the number increases annually. The new kiosk system needed to be very powerful to provide the best service. Equipped with an Intel®Core™ i5-4300U processor, Advantech UTC-532E is a fanless industrial-grade touch computer that provides superior performance and stable operation in...
In order to push energy efficiency and carbon reduction, more and more governments in different countries have built automatic bicycle rental systems and been encouraging its citizens to use non-polluting bicycles for short journeys. The bicycle-sharing systems provide convenient mobility, healthy exercise, and a reduction in pollution emissions...
Amway planned to build a customer experience center equipped with various interactive “experience kiosksâ€, such as makeup kiosks and body detection kiosks, that would provide an engaging one-stop shopping environment. After evaluating several options, Amway selected Advantech to provide a comprehensive solution capable of supporting diverse...
For applications such as kiosks, vending machines, or traffic apps that need to connect with multiple peripheral devices, some of which may still use serial data interfaces, Advantech ARK-plus modules and iDoor modules are excellent options, as they provide rich I/O connectors with excellent data handling abilities, networking connection capabilities and...
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