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These in-vehicle systems are designed to accommodate the needs of fleet management and intelligent vehicle requirements and withstand harsh vibration and electromagnetic conditions. The new TREK-500 series expands to support transportation protocols (SAE J1939 and OBD-II, CAN bus, TPMS), peripheral integration, and the broadest of vehicle communication requirements.
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Intel Atom E3845 based Industrial Rolling Stock Fanless System
  1. Features Intel® Atom™ E3845 QC 1.91GHz processor
  2. 4GB DDR3 Memory on board, up to 8GB
  3. Stackable extension design, option extension kit for applications
  4. DC 24V EN50155 S2/C1 compliant, DC 48/72/110V options
  5. -40 ~ 70 °C wide temperature support with EN50155 TX compliant
  6. Anti-vibration/shock proof, IEC61373 Category1, ClassB


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