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IoT Gateway

To meet the new demand for greater interoperability, security, and manageability, Advantech has released its IoT Gateway Starter kit, and the Intel IoT-based UTX-3115, to connect, share, and transport data from the edge to the cloud.
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NXP ARM Cortex-A9 i.MX6 dual-core lite IoT Gateway
  1. NXP ARM ® Cortex ® -A9 i.MX6 Dual Lite 1 GHz processor
  2. Onboard DDR3 1GB, 800MH
  3. Dual mini-PCIe slots for Wi-Fi/Cellular module support
  4. Dual display HDMI 1920x1080P and single channel 18/24 bit LVDS
  5. Low power consumption, fanless design


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